Each month, a member of the Westchester K-12 team has the opportunity to make an impact in a local community by contributing to a classroom project on DonorsChoose.org that is in need of funding. Laura Rolfe, Creative Production Artist, shares details with us about the project she selected in June:
Tell us about your DonorsChoose.org project: The project is called “Food to Fuel Growing Minds!”, and it’s aimed to promote the well-being of a group of 24 children in grades PreK-2. The teacher sought donations to purchase healthy foods so she can provide a breakfast meal for her students, who most of the time come to school on empty stomachs.
Name/Location of School: Charles Dickens at Corlett, Cleveland, OH
Teacher’s Name: Mrs. R.
Grade Level: PreK-2
Subject (if applicable): Warmth, Care & Hunger
Project description: “Working in a high-poverty, low-income area makes it difficult for students to always receive 3 meals per day. When students come into school late, they, unfortunately, have not had breakfast. I want to be able to give them breakfast or a snack in the classroom if they are hungry. No one can work and learn on an empty stomach, and I want to make sure I can provide them with any resource necessary, including food. I want my students to be fueled and ready to learn each and every day! These snacks and breakfast bars and cereal will keep them full and their needs met so they can do their best!”
Why did you select this project? I try to be reminded every day that children are the future of our nation. I am the mother of a toddler, and I see the importance of nutrition in his development. I chose this project because these children might not have the same opportunities others have, but that doesn’t make them less valuable. In fact, it makes them a priority because they need the most help to reach their full potential. I believe that when children are treated like they matter and are shown love and kindness, they will grow up with a sense of gratitude and belonging which will empower them to make a positive impact in the communities they live.
If the teacher has contacted you since their project was funded, please share their comments:
Dear Westchester K-12 Publishing Services,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Having this food in the classroom for students who come in late and don’t get fed breakfast at home, or who need a snack throughout the day to fuel their brain makes my heart so happy that I can provide them with what they need to learn!
With gratitude,
Mrs. R.
How did it feel to be able to help fund this classroom’s project? I imagine the excitement that Mrs. R felt when she was notified that her project had reached full funding and this thought fills me with joy. To know that with our help someone is more motivated to continue to do good for others is a great feeling. Good actions have ripple effects, and it makes me feel hopeful and inspired that these resources will allow the children in Mrs. R’s classroom to know that they are important and that someone is looking out for them.
Most children are out of school for the summer break, however, public school teachers are still seeking project funding for the upcoming school year. Visit the Donorschoose.org website to learn about projects in your area that you can contribute to.
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