State Standards Alignment
Our Content Experts are Standards Experts
State standards form the backbone of all of our US education work because they drive all of the content-buying decisions at the state, district, and classroom levels. Therefore, our content experts are also state standards experts.
Our content teams regularly use standards to help customers drive content decisions in a variety of ways beyond just creating new manuscript pages. For instance, when states issue new sets of standards, we regularly work with customers to crosswalk the old standards to the new standards to quickly and efficiently update existing materials (we can also crosswalk standards across states).
We also help customers with curriculum mapping—comparing content developed for one state or country with the standards of another to identify gaps that drive new content development. In particular, we do this in partnership with our UK team for customers looking to enter the US market from Europe. And for our customers facing strict alignment needs to assessments or adoptions, our content teams are adept at understanding the needs of strong alignments to breakout standards, finding the best fit for rigor.
Finally, for customers that need large-scale alignments beyond the capabilities of our editorial teams, we have strong partnerships with best-in-class companies that leverage technology and standards databases to conduct massive correlation programs. We work in tandem with these organizations, complementing each other's skill sets to ensure a complete solution to address our client’s needs.