In the Community: Samuel Fels High School, Philadelphia, PA

Home » In the Community: Samuel Fels High School, Philadelphia, PA


DonorsChoose classroom projectThe Westchester K-12 DonorsChoose initiative has had a very positive impact on our team. Each person who has participated has experienced a high level of gratitude in having the opportunity to support public school classrooms throughout the country, and our Director of Creative Services, Mark DaGrossa – a naturally jolly person – was understandably delighted to be a part of this special mission. Read on to learn more about the project he chose for the month of August:

Your Name and Title: Mark DaGrossa, Director of Creative Services

Tell us about your project: I selected a project that supports a high school classroom where the students have a range of abilities, along with cognitive, social or physical limitations.

Name/Location of School: Samuel Fels High School, Philadelphia, PA

Teacher’s Name: Ms. Eiseman

Grade Level: 10-12

Project description: The teacher works with her students to build each other up, and focus on life skills intended to help her students become more independent individuals. She wanted to have some items that add a little pizzazz to her classroom, and that will also help her students –who have sometimes severe and multiple disabilities – have access to experiences through different approaches.

Why did you select this project? Since I am a Santa Claus at my local mall, I have an opportunity to see these type of classes on a regular basis. The teachers and helpers are simply amazing working with these students. After reading about this teacher’s project, I truly felt this was a great idea to provide support to.


If the teacher has contacted you since their project was funded, please share their comments:

Dear Westchester K-12 Publishing Services,

Yay!!! We did it!!! I am so thankful to have your support and with our first week coming to a close, we are definitely going to be NEEDING these items. All of these items are needed items, not just things we would like and with your help, I’ll be able to help my students even more. Thank you for helping me give my students the best opportunity for success.

With gratitude,
Ms. Eiseman

How did it feel to be able to help fund this classroom’s project? This is really an amazing opportunity to help out. I want to thank Westchester Publishing Services for giving me the ability to be part of such a deserving cause.

There are thousands of classrooms with projects that are hoping to receive funding, and it doesn’t require a large contribution to make a big difference for these children. Visit to select a project that aligns with your interests.


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