Nicole Tomassi, Marketing & Conference Manager
Words are the primary means by which our clients communicate with their customers, so we are always looking at various media that we can use to connect with them, as well as our colleagues throughout the publishing industry. During the pandemic, the absence of in-person events combined with an urgent need for timely, relevant content grew, motivating us to host more webinars of our own and to partner with others in the industry to speak with their audiences about topics that were of interest to them.
Like you, we have been navigating through so many changes during the past year and we realized there is an increased desire for shorter format content that is informative and compelling. This became the inspiration for our new podcast, Westchester Words: Education, EdTech, and Publishing.
Westchester Words is geared towards publishing industry professionals and others who are equally passionate about the creation of education content, books, and the business of publishing. These information-packed 10-15 minute episodes will feature conversations focused on topics including culturally responsive education, project management considerations, diversity, equity, and inclusion, supply chain impacts, the general state of the publishing industry, and much more.
You can listen to the introductory episode here:
Additional episodes will be posted on our website on the Westchester Words page, and you can follow us on your favorite podcasting platform. We hope you’ll join us as we engage with others in conversation about the issues that are shaping education, edtech, and publishing. If you would like to suggest a topic for us to feature in a future episode, or join us to share your expertise with our audience, send us an email at: WestchesterWords@westchesteredsvcs.com.
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